British Biocell

Full information about Establishment British Biocell at Archway House/77 Ty Glas Av, Cardiff, Wales CF14 5DX. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Archway House/77 Ty Glas Av, Cardiff, Wales CF14 5DX
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Phone number:
+44 29 2076 7450



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British Biocell

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Biological reagents and immunoassay development services | BBI Solutions
BBI solutions is a leading expert in immunoassay development and manufacturing services, and provides an extensive portfolio of products and technologies to the global diagnostic market.
BBI Solutions, Gold Colloid, diagnostic, raw materials, enzymes, antibodies, proteins, antigens, enzymes, gold nanoparticles, biobank

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