Sport Wales

Full information about Establishment Sport Wales at Welsh Institute of Sport, Cardiff, Wales CF11 9SW. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Welsh Institute of Sport, Cardiff, Wales CF11 9SW
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Phone number:
+44 300 300 3111



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Sport Wales

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Sport Wales
As the national organisation responsible for increasing participation and improving performance in sport in Wales, we work with our partners to achieve our shared aspirations of getting every child hooked on sport for life and Wales being a nation of champions.
Uniting a proud sporting nation Nation of Champions Everyones a winner Sport Wales Sport in Wales Physcial activity in Wales Activities in Wales Wales Elite sport in Wales sport wales sports council for wales sportwales sportswales sports council wales sophia gardens cardiff sport in wales SCW sports council of wales wales sport welsh sports council welsh sport wales institute of sport Sports council for wales wales sport wales and sport sporting wales

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